When you call our law firm,24 hours a day, you need sound advice and you need it right away. Our experienced East Hampton Criminal Defense Lawyers understand the significant consequences of being arrested and charged with a crime. Criminal laws in New York State are comprehensive and some of the most serious in the entire country. It is critical that you obtain the guidance and advice of an experienced criminal defense lawyer in the Town of East Hampton.
The Penal Laws in New York State are constanty changing and evolving. Our team of experienced East Hampton criminal attorneys have the training and experience that is necessary to properly defend your case in the East Hampton Town Justice Court.
If you have been arrested and are in the custody of the East Hampton Police, we will work to immediately secure your release. Our criminal lawyers are available 24 hours a day. After your release, we will meet with you to conduct a thorough investigation of your case. In that light, we believe we can obtain the best results by working directly in a collaborative effort with you to prepare a proper defense.
It is that very experience as Special Prosecutors and Assistant District Attorneys in the East Hampton Town Justice Court that gives our clients a significant advantage: knowledge and experience.
Defending The Rights of Fishermen
East Hampton's Truck Beach 2022