Our experienced East Hampton DWI Attorneys understand the significant consequences that you may be confronted with when you are charged with DWI in East Hampton. Our East Hampton DWI Lawyers also understand that a charge of DWI driving while intoxicated in Suffolk County will be taken seriously by the office of the District Attorney as well as the East Hampton Town Justice Court. If you are arrested in the Town of East Hampton NY, the DWI laws of the State of New York will apply to your case. The laws in New York State regarding DWI or driving while intoxicated offenses are constanty changing and evolving. Our team of experienced DWI Lawyers in East Hampton have the training and experience that is necessary in the complex world of criminal and DWI laws in New York State.
To begin, it is critical to make sure you are no longer in the custoday of the East Hampton Town Police. Our East Hampton DWI attorneys will endeavor to work to secure your immediate release so that you can assist us in properly preparing your defense. Secondly, we want to obtain a conditional or hardship license so that you may continute to work and function while your case proceeds through the East Hampton Town Justice Court. Once this is successfully accomplished, our skilled DWI lawyers will meet with you and conduct a through investigation of your case. We will work together in collaboration with you to prepare a specific plan to vigorously defend your rights.
As former Suffolk County DWI Prosecutors, our skilled team of Criminal DWI experts work together in an Of Counsel manner. In effect, my colleagues and I work together on a regular, personal and continuing basis to provide each of our East Hampton DWI clients the absolute highest caliber East Hampton DWI defense that only a cohesive team that has years of experience working together can provide. In that light, we believe consistency is critical and you can rest easy knowing you will be represented in all East Hampton Town court proceedings by the same staff attorney.